| Biotechne:Biotechne has multiple product lines include reagents, assays, platforms, and custom manufacturing and testing services for life science and clinical diagnostics research. They will give a $3000 line of credit to the winner |
CytoSMART:The CytoSMART is an affordable microscope that works within the incubator. They will be providing each team with a microscope for the qualifying runs. | |
Mattek:Mattek is the world’s largest independent producer of in vitro Normal Human 3-D (NHu-3D) tissue models and glass bottom dishes. | |
Massachusetts General Hospital:The BioMEMs Resource Center at the Massachusetts General Hospital is a lead in microsystems technologies for clinical applications and basic biological discovery. | |
Formedium:Formedium Ltd. Is producer of powdered Dictyostelium dicosideum Culture media. Formedium offers excellent quality at very competitive prices. Please visit www.formedium.com to compare the full range of Dicty media.